Varied Practice Reading

High Schooler on computer, AFAB is looking at screen, smiling, wearing a headband and a plaid shirt for Varied Practice Reading

Project Details


Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, Grant #R324A220269


Deborah K. Reed, Ph.D. (Principal Investigator)

Emily Beyer, (Project Manager)


Students in Grades 6-8 who are not reading proficiently need both Tier 2 literacy intervention and support for learning in the text-based content areas of science and social studies. Varied Practice Reading (VPR) provides students multiple exposures to critical science and social studies language and information while building students’ reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension as well as writing skills.


Tier 2 reading intervention classes will be randomly assigned to either VPR or to the typical reading intervention used at the school. Students will spend one semester completing their assigned reading intervention. Parental consent is required but does not remove students from the class.


  • Spring 2021: Grade 7
  • Fall 2023: Grades 6 and 8 (minimum of 100 students/grade = 200 students total)
  • Fall 2024: Grades 6, 7, and 8 (minimum of 100 students/grade = 300 students total)


  • Passage set = four passages on a single topic
  • The passages in each set have an 85% word overlap
  • 15 passage sets on science topics and 15 sets on social studies topics
  • Combination of fictional and informational genre
  • Gradual progression in Lexile level from two grade bands below through on-grade-level
  • Each set has comprehension questions and writing prompt based on state standards
  • Individualized lessons on fluency, vocabulary & comprehension, and writing skills
  • Digital delivery of all components

Half the intervention time is spent reading the passage set with a partner (Partner A reads passages 1 and 3; Partner B reads passages 2 and 4) and providing each other feedback. Half the intervention time is spent working independently to answer the comprehension questions and writing prompt on the set, then completing a lesson chosen by the teacher.


Prepare students for the intervention, partner them, monitor their work, and use the data to assign individualized lessons on the computer. Audio record student pairs once per week for the research team to monitor fidelity. Administer the pre/post tests on the computer.


Audio record the class once per week and administer the pre/post tests on the computer.

We would like to thank our partners:

Knox County

Participating Middle Schools: Gibbs, Vine, Whittle Springs.

Franklin County

Participating Middle Schools: North, South, Huntland.

VPR Related Publications

  • Reed, D.K. (2023). Reading intervention in middle schools: Challenges and suggested approaches. Middle School Journal, 54(5), 42-51.
  • Reed, D.K. (2022). Fluency instruction for adolescents: Evidence from research and practice. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 20, 101-110.
  • Reed, D.K., Binning, K., Jemison, E.A., & DeSalle, N. (2023). High-quality formative writing assessment for middle school students in tier 2 literacy interventions. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 38, 70-79.

VPR Related Presentations

  • Reed, D. K., Hock, I., & Hock, M. (2024, March). Literacy intervention for adolescents: Integrating reading, content area knowledge, and social-emotional development [pre-conference workshop]. Council for Exception Children (CEC) annual convention, San Antonio, TX.
  • Gibbs, A.S., Beyer, E., & Reed, D.K. (2023, October). Using varied practice reading with middle school students in tier 2 reading intervention [Panel Presentation]. 2023 TN-CEC Conference, Cookeville, TN.
  • Reed, D. K. (2023, October). Scientifically-based reading instruction: Fluency [Panel presentation]. International Dyslexia Association Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Reed, D. K. (2023, October). Varied practice reading: A tier 2 reading intervention [Panel presentation]. International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities (IARLD) Conference, Gainesville, FL.
  • Reed, D. K., Houchins, D., Wexler, J., & Lambert, R. (2023, May). (In)Congruence between rigorous research and secondary school realities: Assessing implementation fidelity [Virtual panel presentation]. FY 2023 Institute of Education Sciences Principal Investigators Meeting.
  • Reed, D. K. (2023, March). Missed opportunities: What fidelity data reveal about literacy intervention in middle schools [Paper presentation]. Badar-Kauffman Conference on Contemporary Issues in Special Education Research. Kent, OH.
  • Reed, D. K. (2023, February). Advancing the field by extending seminal work on reading and writing CBMs: Oral reading fluency [Panel presentation]. Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), Coronado Beach, CA.
  • Reed, D. K. (2022, November). Advances in assessments for students with dyslexia: Fluency progress monitoring [Panel presentation]. IDA 2022 Annual Reading, Literacy & Learning Conference, San Antonio, TX.
  • Reed, D. K., & Gibbs, A. (2023, March). Barriers to implementing Tier 2 reading intervention in middle schools [Poster session]. Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) annual convention, Louisville, KY

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